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The Maccy D's Thread.


Donkey in a hat
First of all, I don't wanna hear any of that self righteous "I'll not eat that rubbish, my body is a temple" crap. Cos like the advert says, we all have McDonald's in common.
If you're reading this, you're a goon. If you're a goon, then you travel. If you travel, then at some point you've probably found yourself in some faraway, foreign-speaking city or airport, possibly on your own and at some ungodly time of night, and in situations like that even the most vigorous, anti-Maccy's, left-wing, vegan hippy will succumb to the welcoming glow of the Golden Arches, even if just for a coffee. Most branches have those multilingual self-service order points now so you don't even have to speak to anyone, bonus!
So please, everyone play along.

Right, with that out of the way, what to talk about?
I thought about doing a poll for this, but couldn't narrow it down to a single, defining Maccy D's question, so in the end I just created a general discussion thread to talk about all things McDonald's.

Some things to consider:

What's your favourite burger?

Have you ever worked there?

Maccy D's vs BK?

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?

Thoughts on the McRib?

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )

What about Maccy D's around the globe? What weird and wonderful menu items have you discovered at restaurants in foreign lands? In Egypt once, I had a Chicken Big Mac - yes, a Chicken Big Mac!! Crazy.

Who remembers the Root Beer?

You see? That's why I didn't create a poll. So much fun stuff to talk about!

Go ahead, share all of your funny Maccy D's stories right here....

Chris Brown

Mr CoasterForce 2016
What's your favourite burger?
Big Mac, easy money.

Have you ever worked there?

Maccy D's vs BK?
Tricky one, love a big king at BK but Maccers wins me over with the fries.

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?
Dont get the QP hype if I'm honest, a lot of older mates rate it but its gonna take a some serious persuading to stop me ordering a big mac.

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?
This for dipping or the actual burger? Be more specific. The beautiful golden big mac sauce is the work of the gods so that in a burger, as for dipping my chips its gotta be sweet curry sauce. Just call me the hipster king.

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item? Average at best.

Thoughts on the McRib? Grim. Glad its gone.

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.
Are they a big mac? No.

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )
The most sought after of Mcdonalds burgers, or is it a muffin?! I have yet to experience one of these.

What about Maccy D's around the globe? What weird and wonderful menu items have you discovered at restaurants in foreign lands? In Egypt once, I had a Chicken Big Mac - yes, a Chicken Big Mac!! Crazy.
Have yet to try any of these whacky combo's.

Who remembers the Root Beer?
Im not that old...


Mega Poster
Some things to consider:

What's your favourite burger?
Big tasty with bacon
(Only cheese bacon & sauce)

Have you ever worked there?
Current shift running manager

Maccy D's vs BK?

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?
Quarter pounder

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?

Sour cream :p

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?

As a member of the public hell yeah! As a staff member f*ck that

Thoughts on the McRib?


Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.

The current "great taste of the world promotion in the uk is decent Although all the builds are a little too similar

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )yes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Donkey in a hat
^^ A big Big Mac fan then, Chris?
See, I'd take a QP over a Big Mac any day. Big Macs are overrated. However, if a Mega Mac was on offer, that'd be different. Ever had a Mega Mac? They were awesome!
What about that bacon clubhouse one they did recently, the one that had the Big Mac sauce? That was bang tidy that was!

Oh, and you're off your head - the McRib is boss!

*Edit - Ha, just saw airtime-ash's post - you work at Maccy's but you prefer BK? Excellent! :-D


Giga Poster
I'm a picky burger person, so I usually just go for chicken nuggets rather than go through the hassle of getting a custom order, which usually reduces down to "patty and lettuce on bread" anyway.

Either that, or I just go to KFC.

Mysterious Sue

Strata Poster
Err, yeah. So I'm that left-wing vegan (well veggie) hippie of yours that would rather have no dinner than a MDs tbh. Fries and an apple pie at a push if everyone else is going in there. But yeah. They're gross.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
^ And deep fried.

I love a Big Mac. I always take off the top bun and flip the middle bun over so the burgers and goo are sandwiched between the two bottom buns. I find it's more manageable and tastes less bready. I don't waste the top bun through, I fill it with chips, add a bit of sweet and sour sauce, fold it over and have a McChipButty.

I often have a cheeseburger chaser afterwards.

I rarely deviate from a large Big Mac Meal with a banana milkshake and a cheese burger chaser. I have tried some of the other stuff but nothing compares.

Fun fact - I once recreated the big mac sauce at home, realised I didn't have any burger in the freezer and eat all the sauce with a spoon.


Captain Basic
Firstly, it's MICKEY D's, not 'Maccy'.

Second, McDouble. It's a good size that can fill you up without being too much.

Never worked there.

McDonalds any day. BK disgusts me.

Both are meh, although I guess I'd have a Quarter Pounder first.

BBQ is only good for BBQ. Mayo is absolutely disgusting, and ketchup is good for fries, which McDonalds is a god at. So Ketchup. Anyone who dunks their burgers shouldn't eat burgers.

Never heard of the Big Tasty. Is it a UK-only thing, or am I just basic?

McRib can **** off.

Never knew of a Burger of the Month. Another UK only thing?

Mc10.35? The UK McDonalds is strange.

Never left the states, but that World's Largest McDonalds in Orlando looks like it has some really nice stuff.


Also, their Chicken Nuggets are atrocious. The only thing BK is better at.

Their (soda)fountains are near perfect though. Just make them Freestyles, and I will never go anywhere else.


Staff member
Never worked at one, but Madame_Furie did once she passed her degree (1st class with honours) :lol:

I hate mayo, mustard, ketchup and Big Mac sauce. So McDonalds is generally a minefield for me. Trying to get exactly what you want is a pain. So I tend to do the same at JayJay and get a Chicken Nuggets meal - or go to BK where the Bacon Double Cheeseburger comes ready and sauce-less.

The new order system is good though, as building your own is much easier.

I did get a special burger a few weeks ago (was it the Big Tasty?) and they had a "with Bacon" or "Without Bacon" version. The "with" was about an extra 50p

So I built it using the screen and got the perfect (for me) burger. Bap, meat, cheese, onion, tomato and bacon.

It came without the bacon. I took it back and the burger builder said (and this is no lie) "but I thought it was the [burger] with bacon, but he didn't want the bacon?"

Yes, I ordered the 50p more expensive with bacon version just so I could have the option of removing the bacon! :lol:

When I first moved to Stafford, the local town Maccy D's (and it's Maccy D's if you're in the Midlands) had "Recession Busters!".

Basically, between 16:00 and 18:00, you could get any of their burgers for £1. At the time, a value meal was £2.50.

So instead of getting a meal, we'd go in and get 2 burgers and a fries. I usually had a Big Mac (plain) and a Fillet-o-Fish or a McChicken Sandwich (both just lettuce). It was then I discovered a love for doing Ian's trick of adding fries to a burger and making a McChipButty.

My first experience of McDonalds was in Warrington. Until 1991, I had to travel to the next town (roughly 7 miles away) to get a McDonalds - that was a new one (until the IRA blew up a bomb outside it) and special as it wasn't in a city. There were so few back then.

But get this. I used to have...


To blend in with the British culture, they used to offer Fish and Chips Essentially to triangular Fillet-o-Fish that fitted together to make a rectangle that say in the bottom of a McNugget style box. Fries on top. Salt and VINEGAR!

It was delicious :) Or it tasted of the false delicious McDonalds tastes of, which I think is salt and protein.

McRib was dirty and fantastic. Like a Pot Noddle given form!

Little known fact is that the best hangover cure in the world is a McDonald's Milkshake with a 20 box of McNuggets.

And finally, it's clear that if given the option, Wimpy is the burger joint of choice. Nothing beats a big bender in a bun.


Hyper Poster
What's your favourite burger?
Quarter Pounder with cheese...mmmmm

Have you ever worked there?

Maccy D's vs BK?
BK burgers, the bacon double cheeseburger is godlike, but McD's fries

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?
Did you know, in France they call it the Royale with cheese?

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?
Nah, cheese sauce is too sickly

Thoughts on the McRib?
Burn it and feed it to the bourgeoisie

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.
Not been for months, so no

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )
No, what's a Mc10.35?

Who remembers the Root Beer?


Donkey in a hat
A ha - the Mc10.35 is the stuff of legend! The exact constituents can be varied, but the version I read about (and subsequently tried) was a QP with cheese (off the daytime menu) with added bacon, sausage and egg (off the breakfast menu). Your only chance of getting one is at approximately 10.35am (hence the name) and even then you have to ask verrrry nicely!
I did, and it was epic!

Another 'secret menu' item you can try is the Land Sea Air burger.
Beef, chicken and fish, all in a bun!
Yeah... That one wasn't so good...


Giga Poster
What's your favourite burger?
Probably a big mac tbh, particularly due to the big mac sauce.
I also really like the big tasty with bacon.
I like a chicken legend - although that probably doesn't count as a burger.
Also, occasionally, I like a fillet 'o fish burger.

Have you ever worked there?

Maccy D's vs BK?
Maccy D's, obviously.

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?

Big Mac.

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?
Depends on what I'm having it with. For fries - ketchup, beef - BBQ, chicken - Mayo.

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?
**** yeah.

Thoughts on the McRib?
Never had one, sorry.

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )
Never had one... but it sounds good.

What about Maccy D's around the globe? What weird and wonderful menu items have you discovered at restaurants in foreign lands? In Egypt once, I had a Chicken Big Mac - yes, a Chicken Big Mac!! Crazy.
Never been to any particularly interesting ones.

Who remembers the Root Beer?

Tbh I prefer KFC to McDonalds if I'm eating an actual meal - I like a boneless banquet. Probably the thing I get most often at MDs is an apple pie, as well as a McFlurry to dip it into :--D.


Strata Poster
1.What's your favourite burger?
I usually take what they have in special offer. This has proven to be a really good thing in some countries...

2. Have you ever worked there?

3. Maccy D's vs BK?
Depends. There isn't many Burger Kings to choose from where I live (only one in the city and country), so I mostly go with McDonalds. Abroad, I do prefer Burger King, since they often have some spicy burgers, which I rarely see at McDonalds...

4. Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder? 
I don't think I've ever had a quarter Pounder...

5. Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?
Ketchup, not a big fan of mayo. BBQ is good on BBQ stuff, but not on fries, imo.

6. Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?
Is it not?

7. Thoughts on the McRib?
I like ribs, but what McDonalds has put together is nothing close to what ribs should be like...

8. Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.
These are the special items? Huh, haven't been in a while...

9. Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is [http://forums])
Nope. I hate their breakfast offers, so I'd rather just go with the regular Burger...

10. What about Maccy D's around the globe? What weird and wonderful menu items have you discovered at restaurants in foreign lands?
I remember ordering a Burger with some pears in it last year in Germany. Special offer, ofc, but it was fab.

I have to ask what's so special about McDonalds' fries? Do you people find them good for a chain-fastfood sort of stuff or do you actually think they are amazing? I personally find them quite awful and much prefer the fries from other fast foods (non-chain).


Captain Basic
Oh, of course, I forgot their frozen dairy products!

They're perfect in simplest terms. The perfect consistency, refreshingly cold, and the Oreo McFlurry is next to Wendy's Frosty in terms of amazingness. <3


Hyper Poster
I loved the McToast with ham that I got in Germany! So much better than any of the normal breakfast rubbish.


Strata Poster
What's your favourite burger?
Mayo chicken. Such a good/bad source of protein

Have you ever worked there?
Fortunately not.

Maccy D's vs BK?
Maccies. Cheaper. Burger King has better fries now though.

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?
Neither. Quarter pounder always tastes a bit off. I tend to get a craving for a big mac once every couple of months and then end up spending two days regretting it as I can taste the remnants of it.

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?
Their BBQ sauce is amazing with the Mayo chicken.

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?
No. Because I'd get fat.

Thoughts on the McRib?
Was a funny episode of Family Guy

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.
Don't usually bother with them tbh. 2 Mayo Chickens, fries and a drink is cheap enough for me.

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )
**** knows

What about Maccy D's around the globe? What weird and wonderful menu items have you discovered at restaurants in foreign lands? In Egypt once, I had a Chicken Big Mac - yes, a Chicken Big Mac!! Crazy.
I had beer with mine somewhere but I've no idea where, might have been in Barcelona, didn't even fancy it was just getting it because I could.

Their milkshakes are amazing but the machines are always ****ing broken.


Staff member
Social Media Team
What's your favourite burger?

BLT Double Beef Burger. I think they only have this in China, but not in Hong Kong. I always get one when I'm over the border. Otherwise, it's a Big Mac.

Have you ever worked there?


Maccy D's vs BK?

Burger King, but probably because there are so few of them here. They're popular in China, but I think there are only 2 or 3 in the whole of Hong Kong. Most of them closed down, but there were never really that many. There are around 240 McDonald's though apparently. There are 3 of the bloody places within a 5-minute walk of my flat.

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?

Big Mac, though it's been a very long time since I tried a quarter pounder.

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?

Not fussed really. Ketchup with beef, mayo for chicken, BBQ for dipping fries or nuggets in.

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?

It is here. Also, sausage and egg mcmuffins are on the regular menu, not just breakfast, so you can get them as a meal with fries. They also have 24-hour delivery, which seems quite pointless considering they're everywhere.

Thoughts on the McRib?

Never tried one.

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.

At the moment, we have the Alpine Delight burger. Angus beef, Swiss cheese and mushrooms. It's not bad for a change, but I wouldn't order it on a regular basis if it was a long-term option.

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )


What about Maccy D's around the globe?

I quite miss the Shaka Shaka Chicken from Japan. It's basically a breaded chicken fillet, but you can choose from different flavouring powders to add to the bag and shake.


Strata Poster
What's your favourite burger?
I'm a bit of a double sausage and egg mcmuffin fan myself - but it might just be the delicious gooey "cheese"

Have you ever worked there?

Maccy D's vs BK?
Mcds for breakfast, but bk has a better burger choice.

Big Mac vs Quarter Pounder?
Quarter pounder - never did like big mac sauce!

Ketchup vs BBQ vs mayo?
For burgers, bbq or ketchup, for fries bbq or mayo

Should the Big Tasty be a permanent menu item?

Thoughts on the McRib?
Never had one

Review the latest 'burger of the month' specials here.
how is pepper jack cheese "South african"?

Have you ever had a Mc10.35? (Go ahead, ask me what a Mc10.35 is :) )

What about Maccy D's around the globe? What weird and wonderful menu items have you discovered at restaurants in foreign lands? In Egypt once, I had a Chicken Big Mac - yes, a Chicken Big Mac!! Crazy.
Austrian mcmuffins have mayonaise on!

Who remembers the Root Beer?
Remember seeing it on the menu, but never had it... Also remember when the straws used to pop out of the wrappers with a little fist pump on the table!