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Himeji Central Park | Unknown | Venus GP relocation | 2022

Good to see this finally going back up after its slightly odd trip up north to Rusutsu for no obvious reason.

Going to mean a few people may have to head back to a park they really didn't like though 😂
Good to see this finally going back up after its slightly odd trip up north to Rusutsu for no obvious reason.

Going to mean a few people may have to head back to a park they really didn't like though
Thank f**k I got the cred already. That park is a f**king s**thole.
Do we know why it wasn’t put up at Rusutsu Resort earlier? I vaguely remember someone saying Rusutsu never intended to build it themselves, but I’m not sure.
I imagine that it'll get the same theming as everything else there: concrete.
hey now, some of the rides were also themed to rust and overgrown foliage

(legit kicked a branch while riding the invert)
While i never got to ride this coaster and I hear it isn't as good as it looks. Its good to see it saved.

Its had a kind of special place in my heart since the early 2000s when i first came across it. As Maurers only big looping coaster it has some minor historical significance as well.

Oddly i think it has a place in internet history too as one of the first Meme(able) coasters ("Is that a real space shuttle?).
And as a testament to that, This is a coaster that despite being quite obscure and in a country many have never been to, Is still instantly recognisable to almost everyone on this forum,

And lastly. The main reason i am super happy this coaster is being saved is this
Venus Overbank.JPG

That left bank to right bank rising turn after the loop followed by almost a proto B&M hammerhead turn is one of the most aesthetically pleasing elements i know. And to see that scrapped would have made me sadder than all the other crap i said above.

There is something about the way all the elements in the main bowl of this coaster slot together (Like how the exit to the turn in the image above drops under the brake run) just makes me feel warm inside.
I was lucky to catch it at the last season at Space World. The first drop and loop feel nearly Schwarzkopf-esque - while Anton had nothing to do with this one. After the loop it isn't bad - but isn't that good either. Its smooth and mostly helices around left and right till the final break. I for one would've liked another inversion or two - like a roll-over or cutback - and finishing with some airtime to make it a more complete coaster.