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Insane Flat rides

Martyn B

CF Legend
This thread is a bit like the "Wierd, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits" thread, but for flats instead!

I'll kick things off with this rather interesting contraption...

Spotted that at ukrides.info
^ It looks like a cat carrier box. Just, No! Ha.

To be honest, the one I'm going to say isn't a strange ride type, in fact, it's very normal, popular ride, but;

The Booster at Allou! (Gavin can agree/disagree with me on this), came SO close to the Sky Flyer and the Ice Skating. I mean, literally an unbelievable distance to them. It was so insane and actually pretty terrifying. I can't get a picture or video of it, I'll be able to get one in Jan some time, but seriously, just wow!
^ I found it even weirder that the Star Flyer span out directly over the road to be honest. Obviously it's just as safe for riders whatever they're being spun over, but it's weird walking/driving down that road.
-lofty- said:
The Booster at Allou! (Gavin can agree/disagree with me on this), came SO close to the Sky Flyer and the Ice Skating. I mean, literally an unbelievable distance to them. It was so insane and actually pretty terrifying. I can't get a picture or video of it, I'll be able to get one in Jan some time, but seriously, just wow!

You can sorta see it from this...

http://www.digital-camera.gr/index.php? ... o_id=19286

Looks a nice little park
The parks in Asia have some strange felt rides...like w.e. this is supposed to be :S

It just spins


Or this one called Sea Panic that just rocks back and forth

^That top one is actually a rather old idea, there used to be one in the funhouse at Southport.

And it's not a flat ride. Not unless a playground slide is now a roller coaster.

Kids sit on it, it spins, they try and stay on. It's actually really funny and pretty awesome.
^The old Blackpool fun house used to have one as well, or did that end up at Southport?

That other thing from Beijing Amusement park was basically a huge Trabant kind of thing, with a shallower angle. It was pretty **** ed up though since you had to stand on it and there were no restraints.

I could go through and find loads probably, but that kiddy pirate ship reminded me of this contraption:



It used to park up outside a school, near where I worked, around once a week. I never got a video (it doesn't go upside down like the one posted earlier), but it was just amazing in how ghetto it was.

I also rode a "back-of-a-truck", mini Tagada in Korea. It was a local, small town festival (The Punghi Ginseng Festival no less!), and was insane in how dangerous it was. I WISH I had photos or videos of it because I've seen nothing like it since, but it was before I joined CF and got into it all really.
Martyn B said:
Anyone like them little kiddie Pirate Ships? Here's a 'modified' version:

That looks insanely more intense then the larger of it's kind. How many G's does that thing pull? Easily over 6G!?
I've been on one of those Tagada thing years ago at Blackpool.
I remember it being quite scary as you don't have any restraints and come right up out of your seat.
Mix in some Korean safety and I'd imagine it was terrifying

Anyone have any idea what this is? Just stumbled across it

^I think that's a KMG, they're fairly common.

Flats that aren't as common as they should be TOTALLY includes the Huss Booster. The one in Finland we went on this year was the first flat in ages that felt insane to me.


The Booster looks okay, but I went on one of those things Sue posted and it was the most hideous experience of my life. Okay, I'd had lunch half an hour before, but it's the only ride I've ever come off feeling properly ill (without any help from the night before).

It actually did make me feel like I'd been up all night doing as much chemical damage as possible to my body and then smashed my head against a brick wall to try and help it out. Nasty, nasty, nasty thing.

The (the name will come to me at some point- "social mixer"? I think that's the name flat, polished plate on the polished circular floor, but it may have been the high-g blender thing with a big leather seat - like a Tagada only without the bumping and made by Rolls Royce) spinning floor thing was at both Blackpool and Southport. They were common at one point, like cake walks and Arks. I've seen footage of them at travelling fairs a long time ago, in the days before colour.

Blackpool's fun house also had human powered hamster wheels, brilliant fun when they get away from you and throw you upside down and violently onto the concrete floor. There a new one at Magma in Rotherham, I played on it a few years ago and it's still good fun. The fun house also had loads of death slides between the floors. You went up moving staircases and down the death slides (no mats). The play was like the most huge, insane, live action board game. Brilliant place and replaced by a big wet turd.

I watched the Butlins program last week and it had this really odd ride. It's a cage on a pendulum arm with another cage on the other side. You stood in the cage and it rotated you round like a magic carpet, only for criminals. I've not got the slightest idea what it may be called, but I seem to remember similar things at fairgrounds when I was very young.
What's a cake walk furie? I've been looking on Google but can't make it out. Is it just the up and down floor you get in fun houses?

That booster looks epic Ben!
They had one of those rides Sue posted at the Irn bru Carnival

It was quite fun but made me feel quite ill.
Yep, that's it; the raising and falling floors:


Nothing these days really, but Southport had some great variations on the top floor with flick-flack floors, side be side sliding planks, all kinds. I love that kind of thing :lol:

There's a version of the cage swing thing in this newsreel:

Something like this:
alexr said:
They had one of those rides Sue posted at the Irn bru Carnival

It was quite fun but made me feel quite ill.

Not the same thing <//3

Close, but, the one Sue posted has the seats spin head-over-heels as well as the motions that ride makes.
Not the same, but they still make you feel just as awful. I went on that new Extreme at Bottons last year, they're just horrible.

And LOL at that Huss Booster! I nearly stopped the video after a minute, as it just looked like a Trioka, but I literally bursted out with laughter when it got going properly. I love to go on that for the comedy value!