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Genting SkyWorlds | Malaysia | Theme Park


Strata Poster
Genting Highland in Malaysia is expected to announce that their outdoor theme park will close on 1st September, and won't re-open until at least 2015. Two of the park's rides have already been closed since 1st July. The closure will allow the park to undergo a major facelift, possibly to include new rides. They have already announced investment to improve other areas of the resort, including the casino.

An official announcement is expected this friday (26th July)

http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Busi ... ginal.aspx


Strata Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

Doesn't surprise me. It seemed really run down when I was there in 2010, and they have removed loads of stuff since then.

The indoor bit is fab though, so I can see why they're not doing anything to that!


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Social Media Team
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

Yeah, it's pretty bad when the best ride there is a Vekoma corkscrew. Smoothest one I've done, but still.


Strata Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

From the trip reports that I've seen it really looks poor and in need of somekind of a refurb


Strata Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

Genting is a pretty big company. Not sure why it would take two years to rehab the highlands park though, I wonder if there's more to this than we know?


Giga Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

You can build a park in 2 years, this has to be one hell of a refurb.


Best Topic Starter
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

Oh you &%#$ers. Was planning on visiting this in mid November.


Strata Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

^This was confirmed on Friday.

Genting Highland's outdoor theme park will become the world's only Twentieth Century Fox themed park when it opens in 2016. It will feature more than 25 rides and attractions based on the studio's most popular films including Life of Pi, Ice Age and Alien. The park will also be home to a unique "Dream Parade" featuring animatronic representations of the studio's characters. This is just part one of a larger 5 year investment for the resort which will include up to 1300 new hotel rooms.

More info:
http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2 ... -park.aspx


Strata Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

^ As it didn't have more than 6000 rooms (which is quite a lot for a mountain top thingy) already...


Strata Poster
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

I stayed overnight at one of the Genting hotels.
The place was absolutely packed to the rafters, so I'm not surprised at the adding of rooms.


Staff member
Re: Genting Highland to close for 2 year refurb?

Nic said:
Nic said:
The park will also be home to a unique "Dream Parade" featuring animatronic representations of the studio's characters.

= Funny as **** watching kids expecting a Disney parade :lol:


Hyper Poster
Fox Theme Park Asia

Fox announces details of Twentieth Century Fox World theme park
Published December 18, 2013

Disney and Universal will soon be up against some stiff competition in the theme park world.
Twentieth Century Fox has unveiled details of its much-anticipated park, set to open in Malaysia in 2016.
Named Twentieth Century Fox World, the park will be located at the Resorts World Genting, a casino, hotel and amusement park complex located about an hour outside Kuala Lumpur.
Twentieth Century Fox executives and developers of the project said that the 25-acre park will feature over 25 rides and attractions from Fox movies like "Ice Age," "Rio," "Night at the Museum," and "Planet of the Apes."
The new theme park, estimated to cost more than $300 million, is the first for the brand and banks on the idea of the growing demand for theme parks with a movie-fantasy appeal.
“The opening of the first Twentieth Century Fox World theme park at Resorts World Genting takes our rich history of storytelling to a whole new level and will provide an exceptional entertainment experience,” said Jeffrey Godsick, President of Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products.
Fox also released a sketch of a family "Ice Age"-themed roller coaster ride.
Asia is home to other major theme parks, including Legoland in Malaysia, Universal Studios in Japan and Disney in Japan, Hong Kong and another under construction in Shanghai to open in 2015.

Also two pics of concept art.



* Edited so clicking on link isn't necessary to see full article and images. - ECG


Removed my verbiage to avoid further berating from the friendly community. cool)


Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Fox Theme Park Asia

Apart from the hyperbolic opening sentence, I'm not sure what's so funny about it.

Genting Highlands, a huge resort with numerous hotels - including, until very recently, the world's biggest - gets millions of visitors a year. They closed their outdoor park down a while ago for this rebranding and reconstruction. It's good to start seeing some details.


Strata Poster
Re: Fox Theme Park Asia

Wow, that is a really bad topic start on such a promising project. I believe that the thing could be every bit as good as Universal with Fox's ideas and Genting's money.

Plus, we already have a topic about it...


* Edit - Merged topics. Thanks for the heads up. ECG


CF Legend
Re: Fox Theme Park Asia

^ Thanks captain obvious ;)

That's great news actually. It's nice to see what they're actually going to be doing to Genting Highland! I'm keeping my eye on this.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
New 20th Century Fox park for Malaysia 2016

Here's the IAAPA release (interesting bits in bold):
Resorts World Genting is razing a 35-year-old iron ride park in Malaysia’s Genting Highlands to make way for the world’s first Twentieth Century Fox theme park.


Twentieth Century Fox World will be built on a 25-acre site featuring more than 25 rides and attractions based on famous Fox content including “Alien vs. Predator,” “Ice Age,” “Night at the Museum,” “Rio,” and “Planet of the Apes.”

“We really are in the franchise business at Fox,” says Greg Lombardo, Twentieth -Century Fox’s vice president of global location-based entertainment. “Developing franchises allows us to really, frankly, support a much higher level of capital expenditure on the attractions. These are properties that will be in the public’s eye for a long time to come. We know these characters, and now it’s a chance to bring them to life in very new and exciting ways.”

By the time the new theme park opens, there will be five “Ice Age” movies, three new “Planet of the Apes” (counting the sequels coming out in 2014 and 2016), a second “Rio,” and a third “Night at the Museum.” These movies are not only hugely popular in the United States, but at overseas box offices, as well.

The venue for the park in Malaysia—which Fox sees in some ways as a proof of concept for larger parks elsewhere—is located up a steep drive alongside a thriving casino about an hour from Kuala Lumpur. It was formerly home to an iron ride park built with slightly themed off-the-shelf attractions. The new park designed by Fox and Genting, with an eye to detail and a goal of immersing visitors in blockbuster content, could not be more different.

“We’re going to be able to bring these environments to life in a way that gets us away from that formulaic approach of ‘I’m going to go from attraction to attraction to attraction,’” explains Lombardo, who brings a creative edge to his job after working previously as an independent film producer and serving five years as the head of New York’s National Shakespeare Company.

“This is going to be an opportunity for people to literally go inside of Scrat’s fantasy that we’ve seen in the movies, his pursuit of the acorn … We’re going to really put people—when they enter the Ice Age environment—in that world.”

The desire to make every inch in the park count is also driven by geography—the site extends to the edge of a cliff. But Fox and Genting plan to make it seem bigger than it is by building some of the attractions underground.

“When you’re dealing with a smaller footprint, like we are, we’re going to rely on a highly detailed environment to provide those surprises and moment-by-moment experiences that are going to extend the dwell time in a way that maybe you don’t necessarily have the challenge of if you have a hundred acres to play with,” says Lombardo. “We’re [also] going to go below the deck on some of the rides, so we’ll be basically doubling up on square footage that way. In cases where you have dark attractions, we can go below grade and increase the footprint that way.”

Designing its own branded theme park represents a strategic switch for Twentieth Century Fox, which has previously licensed content to other big players in the industry. Some of the studio’s most famous blockbusters—like “Avatar” (licensed to Disney) and “The Simpsons” (Universal Studios)—will be noticeably absent from Malaysia as a result of past deals. But striking out in a bigger way seems like a no-brainer to Lombardo.

“Why wouldn’t we be doing theme parks?” he asks. “With these kind of properties at our fingertips, why would we simply hand [them] over to others to put within their theme parks? Why not create theme parks around those properties that we can really control and have a say [in]?”

The deal with Genting is still based on a licensing model. Fox provides the intellectual property while Genting invests $300 million to build and operate the park; the difference is Fox now has a dedicated team to place its stamp on the park.

Fox and Genting expect most guests are likely to be Malaysian and Chinese nationals who regularly visit Genting to gamble—significant for Fox, which has ambitions to expand to China. The companies won’t say how many visitors are expected when Twentieth Century Fox World opens in 2016, but they expect it to be much higher than the 2 million who frequented Genting’s old park.  
- See more at: http://www.iaapa.org/news/funworld/funw ... b6v10.dpuf


Best Topic Starter
Merged with original topic - Hixee
Surprised this doesn't have a thread of its own yet since its pretty far along but where we are.
Here's some progress.
This isn't technically a new park as it takes the place of Genting Highlands in Malaysia which closed in 2013. But Genting was never a top class park (They had a Volare....) and nothing there seems to really be a great loss.

This new park although somewhat delayed is using a ton of 20th Century Fox IP's such as Ice Age, Alien Vs Predator, Independence Day, Planet Of the Apes and Sons of Anarchy.

In fact here is a park plan.

The park is well on its way to fruition. here is some aerial footage of the park from Febuary

And a few construction shots from the still functioning cable car that heads up to the resort hotels.
1501037356_20067190_113039369343697_4055277128399192064_n.jpg 1501428231_20394472_334438230339625_8084190544944693248_n.jpg
Quite when this is due to open? no idea but perhaps mid to late 2018 looking at the state of the park now.
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Staff member
Social Media Team
Any word on what the coaster (or other ride) line up will be? Couldn't find anything on RCDB for this.