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Senzafiato, Intamin Accelerator for Miragica


Mountain monkey
Staff member
A new park, Terra Di Giganti (World of Giants) opening in Italy next year, will get an Intamin Accelerator as their first coaster:

EDIT: Terra Di Giganti has changed its name to Miragica


It will be rather small, only 18m tall and 400m long. In other words, even smaller than Kanonen.

If it's anything like Kanonen then I think it could be great. I know Kanonen is nothing when you think of rides like TTD and Furius Baco, but it looks so much fun.

We'll have to see if any layouts have been put up anywhere.
Actually, I think it will go along the lines of Desert Race and Rita. It looks like a mild coaster, and I haven't seen shorter accelerators than this before. I might be a family coaster, for all I know...
A mini Kanonen?


It could be more RITA esque as you said though considering the height, and this from RCDB:

RITA stats :

Length: 640 m
Height: 21 m

So a shorter/smaller RITA does make sense...
For you English measurement lovers, that is Length: 1312' 4", Height: 59' 1"

The length of the ride is just around that of the shorter Intamin Accelerators, Skycar is 1476' 5" and Kanonen at 1443' 7".

Yet given this roller coasters height of 59', we only see the likes of such a small height on Rita which is 68' 11" tall.

So I would guess a smaller version of Rita could be plausible, though a new small layout could very well be in the picture as well.

The key statistic we're really looking for is that of the launch, which will help us more properly compare it to other accelerators.
I'm pretty interested to see how this turns out, I think the smaller accelerators tend to be more interesting than their bigger and faster brothers, being less reliant on pure speed to create a thrill. I'd love a tiny top hat, Kanonen's is the smallest of the bunch but is amazing. This is 6 metres shorter though, perhaps it's not possible in such a small height.
The only picture I could find of it is this:


Its Red!
Al-red-y? (OK, that was bad). It is scheduled to open next year!
At least you can see that the curves are somewhat drawn out, and with that radius, 400m comes pretty quick. And why is the track on site 8 months before opening?

I found another ride with very similiar stats on RCDB, by the way...
On a certain Alton coaster said:
Length: 372.5 m
Height: 19.8 m

Maybe.... Nope, this one is launched. I guess we are seeing the first family accelerator out there.
Yes you could be right, it may be like that Mich Doohan Motor Coaster thing, as in small and low to the ground!
Interesting, 40 metres short of Kanonen. Although I can't really see it having a fast acceleration time due to the short length of the track and no inversions involved.
A nice little surprise but the stats don't impress me at all as it sounds like it's gonna be pretty small. Hopefully I'll be surprised though!
If its anything like RITA it should be good, it packs a punch with what it has!

These accelerators get smaller every year!
Perhaps the stats could point so something like a mini Furius Baco, maybe just a simple oval-esque layout and the shorter 3 car trains (Another option could be a 3 car wing rider train) The thrills could just come from the senstation of speed and the directional changes.
It will be interesting how they manage this though, as the stats do seem quite limiting (especilally the 400m length)
^Yep, they are:

http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... hp?t=20759

Old news now. But we haven't seen anything new for some while now.
I was, by the way, also thinking WingWalker when I saw this. Or, as one may hope, they forgot a zero in the ride stats...
But a new park won't have one single large coaster. They may either go for several (HRP) or one small. Not just one big.
Even if it is for Mirabiladnia :p

Has anyone thought that RCDB may be incorrect? Its a possiblity, isn't it?
Has anyone thought that RCDB may be incorrect? Its a possiblity, isn't it?

Could be though... ...what are you suggesting?
I think he means that the Mirabilandia coaster is said to be 50 m tall, when they (in the press release) have stated that it will be taller than Katun. So I think the height listed on RCDB is a minimum.

But I really hope that this coaster will have good themeing, and thus they need to put it up now. My second guess is that it will be indoors.
It's been confirmed on multiple sites that Mira's getting a hyper next year. Save that for that topic, however.

There's some interesting possibilities with this ride and I'm really interested to see how this layout will turn out. It's odd statistically, and often provides interesting things.